Color Maps & Palettes

Depending on your axis type you need one of two basic tools:

Continuous or practically continuous (e.g. whole numbers with high variance)
A colormap, i.e. a function mapping values to colors.
In R Use scales or use ggplot in the first place.
In matplotlib plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = ..., plot(..., cmap=...)
Few discrete values (e.g. qualitative)
A palette, i.e. a fixed-size set of colors.
In R palette() to get and palette(colors) to set.
In matplotlib plt.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] = ..., ax.set_color_cycle(...)

This means that you want:

jet, hot, … (no perceptive continuity/uniformity, ugly, false (artifact) features, unsuited for color blindness, no guaranteed contrast)
For continuums: Perceptually uniform colormaps
For discrete values: Fixed-size palettes with high contrast